Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh, btw...

I quit Saunders House. Finally. Thankfully. I'm so happy that I'll be done with that place in less then two weeks. I have never seen a facility decline as drastically as this one. I used to be so proud to work there. I loved going to Saunders House. Now I wouldn't send my worst enemy there. They've laid off or fired every single person that actually cares, and they are driving out the rest of the caring people. And now they're paying ridiculous amounts of money to an incompetent HR company with no healthcare experience. These HR people have no idea. They don't understand quality healthcare. They only care about money money money.

It's become horrible.

In the last few weeks so many handfuls of family members have come up to me saying that they are looking for other facilities for their loved ones. Good for them. I would do the same.
If I hear one more person comment on my relationship I think I'm going to scream.

You know what? Long distance relationships aren't bad things. Mine is actually great, thank you very much. But it's not easy. So if I have to endure one more comment about how talking on the phone is not the equivalent of a date, and that I can't possibly know someone as well because we don't live in the same state, I'm probably going to flip out. I'm going to post a copy of something that I posted on a LDR forum the other day that I feel expresses my relationship completely:

"I was just sitting here thinking about why a lot of us LDR couples tend to fall so quickly for each other, and I think it's because we realize that if this person wasn't extremely special to us, the distance would not be worth it. A lot of times, for couples who met in person first and then were separated shortly after (like me and Colin), we kinda have to sit down very early in the relationship and say, "was this a fling, or are we going to be exclusive now?" whereas most couples who are in CDRs are going to see each other often and don't have to worry about that deadline or time when one person is leaving.

I think just finding someone who you are willing to have a LDR with is pretty powerful, because it can be such a hard experience, and most of the time you have to be very serious about the person to endure that kind of longing and hurting. And in that way, like Mizpah said, you can view the distance as a friend, because it really makes you realize who is worth it, and who is not. And if you find someone who is worth it, it's amazing."

So there, glass-half-empty people in my life. If you don't like my relationship or if you feel the need to make ridiculous comments about it, then you obviously don't understand anything. And you're a jerk.