Sunday, May 29, 2011

You Don't Get It

It's been forever since I've blogged. Forever. Almost a year I think. There's so much I could write about, but there's one thing that's been bothering me for a while now. I don't know what it is about this one person I know, but I have to address them. Will they ever read this? Mostly likely not. But I just have to get it off my chest.

Dear You-know-who (not Voldemort),

You think you're so great. You think that because you have nice clothes and a perfect manicure with perfect hair, that you're better then me. You think that because you never step out of bounds, never do anything that goes against anyone's grain that you're the shit.

You think that because I am different from everyone, because I'm an individual, that I'm "uncool". Are you in middle school or something? Everyone is different, and I'm proud to be that way. I'm tired of you looking at me like I'm crazy every time I come to you with a creative idea, because you think it's too different, or weird or whatever it is you think about me. Well maybe we need a little bit of "different" and "weird" in our lives.

And don't think I don't see the way you look at me: like you're disgusted. You look at me like I don't get it. Well you know what, I don't. I don't get how you can be so one-dimensional. I don't get how you can not see the big picture, the reason why we're here. I'm a global thinker, and you're self-centered and self-serving. You're here for you, and I'm here for "them". And the funny thing is that you think I don't see the big picture. Because to you, the big picture is all about money. That's what makes you so obnoxious. The big picture has nothing to do with money, it has to do with people and their lives. I almost feel sad for you, that you'll never quite understand what it's like to make a difference to someone.

So I'm weird (although I prefer 'quirky'), but you know what? I'm proud to be that way. I'm proud to not be like everyone else, and I'm especially proud to not be like you. Being quirky and different is what makes me good at what I do. You're old enough now that you should be able to realize that not everyone fits neatly into a box, that you don't have to be ashamed of people who don't. But again, that's why I feel sad for you. You will probably go through the rest of your life thinking that way, afraid of being different, afraid of what others will think of you, and you will miss out on so much.

You just don't get it. And from now on, I'm vowing to myself that I'm not going to get angry with you for that, because really, you're only punishing yourself, and also because it's not worth my time and energy. I'll continue to let my freak flag fly.
