Seriously, you have no idea how happy this made me, since I bawled my eyes out when he died.
Okay, now I think that the Oceanic 6 are going to have a harder time getting back to the island then they think. Because now the island is hidden again and totally off the map, so how are they going to find it? And even when they do find it, are they going to be in the same time that the people on the island are in? It's been three years on the main land and about 2-3 days in island time. I think that the time is really actually screwed up that much, because if it were really 3 years on the island, they would all be long dead of nose bleeds.
I really enjoy this whole jumping back and forth in island time thing. Seeing Claire and Kate back in the old days of season one while Claire was birthing Aaron, was really cool. And now with Jin being found by Danielle Rousseou's (sp?) crew when they first landed on the island: it's pretty awesome. Jin and his friends can't be too far away from each other though because the wreckage from Danielle's boat wouldn't have washed up too far away, so it's not like they're on the other side of the island. Hopefully they find each other soon.
Props to Danielle for believing that the client of the lawyer was Ben. I thought it was Charles Widmore, because he's all up in everybody's business.
What do you think the chances are of Sun shooting Ben? I wonder if she'll do it in front of Aaron, and I wonder if she'll shoot Jack since he's in cahoots with Ben.
I wonder what ever happened to Claire. I know that she disappeared and she's probably dead, but they never really explained that fully. With the way this show is, she could just be stumbling around on the island looking for everyone else. And I wonder if she is, when the Oceanic 6 get back to the island, will Kate be willing to give up Aaron to his real mother?
And I've been thinking about this for weeks: you know how in the first 4 seasons or so of Lost, when the survivors would hear whispering in the forest? We all assumed it was the Others, but now I'm starting to think that maybe it's the people who are shifting back and forth in time, because they'll always have to remain unseen (because what would you do if you saw yourself just randomly standing in front of you without an explanation? You would probably think that you're an impostor or something, right? And then you might try to hurt impostor you.) It's just theory though. Maybe it was the Others all along.
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