Monday, February 9, 2009


When I was little, and a Girl Scout, these impostor cookies "Carmel De-Lights" were called Samoas. I remember the first year they got Samoas, and I ordered them and they were delicious. The next year they got Tag-A-Longs, which was the name for the peanut butter filled cookies which are also delicious.

Why did they have to change the names of these delicious cookies, when obviously they were better and more creative before?

I remember that when I was a Girl Scout, selling cookies was the best time of the year.  Well, receiving the cookie orders, not forcing people to buy them, was the best part of the year.  Truthfully, I hated Girl Scouts. There were a few girls in my troop who were bullies, and our ignorant leaders never did anything about it.  The only good leader was Mrs. Hershey and thats because I knew her practically all my life, but the other mothers were idiotic and spoiled their own children who were in the troop, and treated them above all others.

I was in this other organization called Pioneer Girls. It was through a local church that the Hershey's (aforementioned) attended. Pioneer Girls was the best organization I've ever belonged to, far superior to Girl Scouts. Even though it was technically a religious group, the Bible was barely mentioned. We used to play games and sing funny songs, and have cool things like the Father-Daughter Breakfast and Pal-Gal night (we were each teamed up with an older woman from the church who was our "Pal" for the year and she would take us to the movies and buy us presents and stuff. It was my favorite night of the year).  We would read one Bible verse per night, and discuss what it meant, and then we would quickly move on to snack time.

Even though I'm not religious, I would consider being a Pioneer Girl Troop leader. I should look that up and see if we have any in this area (although you probably would have to belong to the church in question to be a leader).  I would also send my future children to Pioneer Girls over Girl Scouts.   

There was really no point to this blog. I just got my $3.50 box of about 12 "carmel de-lights" and I was contemplating the fact that I still refer to them as their true name: Samoas.


  1. yeah, I also found it weird that they changed a lot of the names. I liked your comparison of Girl Scouts vs. Pioneer Girls, lol.

  2. So directly from a girl scout (who i asked a while ago) about this topic, it is because caramel de-lights are made at one plant and samoas are made at a different one.
    in addition, the ingredients are slightly different.

    i agree though - SAMOAS ALL THE WAY. they are my fave. i'm going to have to go pick some up. yummmmm
