Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lost Series Theories 5.6 Plus Media week in review

Let's start with Lost:

A ton happened (I mean they got back to the island), and at the same time I feel like nothing happened. I felt like I waited the entire episode for something great or big to happen and it didn't.  Did the plane crash, or did they just disappear out of it? What happened to Aaron? What happened to Frank Lopides (sp?) and was it a coincidence that he was flying the plane (no, what am I thinking... nothing that happens on this show is a coincidence)? Who was the arab guy on the plane supposed to represent. I know that Hurley was doing the Charlie guitar thing, Sayid was doing the whole Kate in handcuffs, and the police officer was a mix of Kate's police guy and Anna Lucia, but who was the Arab guy and did he and the Anna Lucia girl make it on to the island?

Who thinks that Kate killed Aaron? I don't, but she was really upset about him, at least for like 30 seconds before she decided that she had to have sex with Jack right then and there. I don't know... I don't know what she did with Aaron, but I know whatever it was, she was just trying to keep him safe, so maybe she handed him off to Claire's mommy.

It kinda ticks me off that Sun is so eager to get back to the island. I know that Jin is there, but her child isn't, and she knows that she'll never be able to leave the island. So now she's just ruined their little girl's life.

I think that Locke is going to play a bigger part (no duh...), but I don't know what it is yet. Danielle or my mom, I can't remember which one, said that they think he's going to be like Jack's dad and appear randomly on the island with cryptic little messages for everyone all the time, like a big weirdo.

And my number one theory: Hurley is a dumbass. Seriously... how was he drowning in water that he could stand in? Lol.

Now for the media:

In the Land of Women
This movie had Meg Ryan, Adam Brody and Kristen Stewart.  I actually really liked Adam Brody and Kristen Stewart in it (usually I'm not a huge fan of Stewart, because I think she's one dimensional), but Meg Ryan just wasn't convincing.

The storyline goes like this... a young guy (Brody) gets dumped by his Hollywood girlfriend and decides to move to Michigan to help out his grandma who is pretty out of it (but hilarious), and to get his life in order. Enter the women who live in the house across the street... Ryan plays a mother who is going through a lot of personal drama, and whose own daughter (Stewart) can't stand her. They both have issues, but through friendship with Brody's character, all of them (including Brody) kind of deal with it. 

It was a good movie. I would recommend seeing it, but I just didn't LOVE it. I would never buy it or anything. On a scale of 1-10, I would give it a 6.5.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Ummm.... I thought this movie was going to be more about music. Danielle and I were both disappointed about that. Yes, the objecting was finding Fluffy, a band playing at a secret location in NYC, but other then that, the mention of a few mixed tapes, and the fact that Norah's dad owns a record studio... there was no music.

I do have a little nerdy crush on Michael Cera though. Not like a i-think-he's-so-hot-and-i-want-to-bang-him crush. More like a aw!-isn't-he-cute? crush.  But seriously??? In the movie his ex girlfriend is this really really hot chick! He would never be able to hook up with that chick in real life.

On a scale of 1-10 I give it a 6.5 - I know... I'm boring and rated two movies the same way, but I really couldn't give it a seven.

Oh, and one last thing... the blonde girl who plays the drunk friend, definitely is a Christine (Bandy) look-a-like. I couldn't stop thinking about it the entire movie. (except Christine is prettier)

This hasn't happened yet, but tomorrow night I'm seeing The MLMs again with Rachel at The Khyber on 2nd St. Rob may be coming, as well as mine and Rachel's friends Melissa and Vanessa. I really like seeing The MLMs (this will be the third time), but most of all I really like it because it gives me an excuse to see my friends that I don't see anymore. I never see Rachel or Vanessa (or Devon when she doesn't have track meets), unless we're seeing an MLMs show it seems. And I miss them, and Rachel's going back to NY soon :(

More about that show after I actually go to it I guess.

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